I met my soulmate

by - June 19, 2016

After 2 weeks of being away from home, a lot of things happened in uni. Making friends and blending in wasn't really hard for me. I enjoy being alone anyway. I became close with my housemate because we also happened to be course mate. We often go to classes together so it's great to have a companion in class. I got myself away from being too attached to people in groups. It felt suffocating walking around in large numbers is2g. I tried and I hate it.

I finally talked to a guy in my class! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCK. Lemme start by telling you my first impression of him... Well for a start, he seems like the judgmental guy who gave everyone this stare all the time. I might be perasan most of the time but that stare he directed at me a few times was creepy af. We were told to describe ourselves using an adjective in English class. Guess what he wrote? "Nervous" and when the lecturer asked him why he wrote that, he answered in the longest possible explanation compared to all the other boys. Nervous much? Liar!

At that point, I concluded that he's abnormal fosho. And the very next day when we were asked to make a group with mixed genders, he decided to approach my housemate. Of course, I went up to her that same moment interrupting the convo. I am in the same English class as that guy but my housemate isn't, so basically she haven't had any proper 'first impression' of him and his other friends. I wanted to refuse the offer so badly bcos it just can't be him JEOLDAE ANDWAE. But I decided on the spot that it might be for the best considering it'll take too much effort to look for other boys to form a group haiih. 

We decided to take our group picture (we were required to for our presentation later on) the next class just to get it done and over with. I had what I think was a brilliant idea on what kinda of pose we should do buuut he was too freaking stubborn to listen to my plan so the pics turned out real bad. Not to mention, our cameraman sucks for taking pics without counting down and we were practically a mess in the pictures. Idk what's worse, the fact that some of our faces were blocked or that there's freaking recycle bins in the background... URGH

The bad impression does decrease when he came up to me in library and started sharing infos about the uni and asking if I found out anything too. We talked so all this 'bad' impressions changes until we had a pretty deep and thoughtful conversation after class yesterday. We were supposed to be discussing about the group project but after awhile we got distracted when he asked me to answer a test. A personality test known as The Four Temperaments.

I answered all the questions in front of him (since we were sitting side-by-side) and he totally agreed with what temperament I was given - sanguine. 

"Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence."

Well, I kinda agree with that description. DAMN I am predictable after all smh. He started sharing his background stories because he has siblings who are sanguine just like me. He said that he sensed this confidence aura in me ever since I spoke during our first English class. And like everyone else there, they envied my speaking ability lol. They haven't seen the world enough.

His life turns out to be pretty pitiful. Imagine after SPM he went straight to PLKN for 3 months and when he finally got out, he had 5 days ONLY to prepare himself before entering university. He is practically still bald rn hahaha I was really frank with him about him being bald though lol. He said they forced all the boys to shave their heads AGAIN before leaving PLKN. I can feel how mentally depressing he felt. Being far from home for months hoping to come back soon but in the end cannot because fate was calling. He told me he is phlegmatic which refers to shy and peaceful. Hell no way. But he convinced me that he wasn't confident in talking to people and prefers to be alone but he finds me somewhat easy to talk to. At that point, I have that kind of responsibility whereby he needs someone to comfort him with motivational words. Aaand I made things worse when I tell him my pov after SPM and how blessed I've been. I feel bad for him. We are getting pretty close. It wasn't awkward with him at all. Especially when he doesn't hang around in groups so that makes it more comfortable to me in sooo many ways.

I would share another story about a girl whom I got comfortable with but that'll make this post longer than it should've been. So I should stop now hahah I'll blog more soon when I can make time.

Dropping by,

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