The start to a hectic year

by - March 16, 2014

Well hello.
Long time no update meh sorry for that.

What happened last 2 weeks was basically... debate. HAHAHAHAHA yes that's right. But it wasn't in English though so 'perbahasan' is the  right word for it. Knowing me, I can talk. Obviously... but also knowing me, I can rarely understand what I said sooo that's the unbelievable part since I'm in the school team. /sweat

Now let me share with you how last 2 weeks had been for me.
Firstly, I skipped class for 4 days in a row. 2 days for practice and another 2 days for the perbahasan competition. YES HOORAYY FOR SKIPPING CLASS /wahaha

The competition was held in SMK Sultan Abdul Samad. Our first match was against SMK Taman Sea and it was unexpectedly easy since they weren't prepared at all. And the next day we had to face SMK Taman Petaling. 2 days before we compete with Taman Sea we only prepare ourselves with the first topic and later after we won we only had ONE DAY to get ready for the other topic the next day. For this, I would like to thank Google+ Hangout for being friendly and useful during our discussion that night. But unfortunately Taman Petaling won the match even though I was told by the judges that we lost by close margin so that kinda pissed me off. They also get to compete with the winner from the other zone - which I was told that it was SMK Damansara Jaya - after they won against SMK Assunta. Which I personally think they just won by luck because Assunta didn't even try to defend their statements and it was such an easy topic. Urghh this piss me off so much because we could've been 1000 times better than them but sadly what's past is past. Hopefully next year we could go even further than this insyaAllah.

After a weekday packed with debate stuff, last Saturday was spent with another annual school event - road run. Successfully I died with flying colours and managed to earn a medal for getting top 25 for P1 (also known as the class for form 4 and 5).

I got no. 24 yeaaah not that great... but AT LEAST I managed to earn something. /nobigdeal

It doesn't just stop there... because the week after that, another event happened. Malay. Public. Speaking. I shall continue to talk about it in the next post.


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