It's tough having good habits
We always strive to be what seems like the ideal person or the best version of ourselves. For example, waking up early, working out everyday or even keeping our places clean. With that being said, achieving those things could actually hit differently when you're... the only one with a good habit.
No matter how good you think you are doing, you will find yourself hating other people for not even trying to change their bad habits. In this post, I will tell you some of the ways I cope with some of these kind of people.
Take note that you do need LOADS of patience though.
Take note that you do need LOADS of patience though.
1. Stop being mindful of others.
If you just find some things bothering, tell them. Act like a pushover at times. Don't think that you should keep quite just for the sake of others because I believe, some people need to realize that they need to change. In order for them to do so, somebody (read: you) needs to point it out. Being considerate should be the last thing you should be applying.
2. Set a good example.
It can seem like you are the only one keeping the situation under control every single time. However, keep in mind that you can have the power to influence others. Just keep doing your good habits and people will eventually adapt to you as long as you don't waver and fall victim to their bad habits.
3. It's just them being lazy.
Bad habits are often a result of being lazy. You can't do anything if people want to be lazy. What you could afford to do is just by letting them be. You have your own life to worry for and other motivation to keep you going. Settling for the lazy ones around you would only cause you more harm than good, so step away and just do you.
4. Don't feel bad they aren't helping.
A big part of having a good habit is the fact that you might end up doing a favour for others when you least want to. It's good if you don't think so but I tend to always do. So I cope with it by not expecting anything in return. If people were to come up to me and say anything along the lines of "It's okay, let it be" or "I'll do it soon", don't trust them. Keeping the space the way you want it to be is better than trusting the person who caused the mess in the first place.
5. Good habits is the root to a great lifestyle.
Developing a good habit indeed deserves a pat in the back. If you are struggling to build good habits, simple things like keeping things back where it belongs is a good practice to begin with. Don't stress over other messy people, you don't need to spoil them if they don't want you to. At times like this, 'ignorance is bliss' is a good phrase to stand by.
Eventually, everyone has their own struggles and flaws. Willpower is what differentiates the lazy ones and not. I believe everyone have the power to do good things and willpower to be better. Jiā yóu!
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