Being familiar
I crave changes.
It's so boring and frustrating without it. I used to always wish a new companion would come into my life. But then, starting all over in any relationship (doesn't only mean the lovey dovey one) gets pretty tiring. It's exciting... Only for a couple months, maybe few years.
Despite that, I don't want change.
As they say, "you'll only miss them once they're gone"... can't get any truer.
Filling up that empty spot isn't exactly... hard. You just gotta say hi to a couple of new people and voila, you make friends. However, no matter how many new faces you meet down the road, finding the same kind of friends will turn out harder than your game plan. The ones who annoy you obviously, or annoy you obliviously... You'd look back at old memories and wonder why didn't you try to make it work? Because relationship isn't a one way street like what they always seemed.
"You regret more of the things you didn't do than the things you did." Well, that shouldn't be applied so much here.
I think people are fragile beings. Take me as an instance. I get butthurt over snappy comments. I get fed up over messed up plan. And whenever I tried talking things out, I sounded more pathetic than when I buried them all in.
Not telling your friends or loved ones about some things, may be the best decision you make. If permission isn't what you seek.
I should've realised that when telling my mum everything wasn't always a good idea. And that's what makes it so familiar. At the end of the day, neither your mum or your friend (especially your boy) would cure your sorrow, but you know pressure builds diamonds so there's always hope.
I may not understand what you are going through, but telling everyone else they had it easy is just too unfair. I don't need to tell you how much I've teared to proof my point. But I gotta admit, seeing people suffer somewhat gave me comfort that I've been living life right.
Dropping by,
Your thoughts are much appreciated! TQ.