Onion & Garlic

by - July 05, 2013

Heyy! I planned to post something on last Sunday but I was fully occupied with the amount of work I had so I ended up posting it today. I don't think any of you know this (since I highly doubt any of my schoolmates would read this) but my school will be having our annual school play for 2013, from 4th until 6th of July entitled "Teater Muzikal Bawang Merah dan Bawang Puteh" translated as "Red Onion and Garlic The Musical".

The entrance ticket.
So basically I went to the first show which was on Thursday evening and guess what? I love it so much, from the veryy beginning til the very end. It was perfect. I would like to congratulate the teacher who puts the hardest effort on putting this play into a masterpiece. She is also my Malay language teacher who is... Puan Sabariah! But of course, the other teachers, crew, orchestra members, choir members and last but not least the actresses of SMK(P) Sri Aman for playing your parts so well and for making the play into a sweet success. I like how throughout the whole play there were lots of mixed emotions surrounding me.

Let me just try to summarize the whole 2 hours of play for you.

It started with a husband, Pak Ali who got married with two women, Mak Labu (who is the older wife) and Mak Kundur. Basically both of the wives were pregnant at the same time. Mak Labu gave birth to Merah (the protagonist) while Mak Kundur gave birth to Puteh (the antagonist). One day, after Merah and Puteh grew older their dad decided to go into the forest to look for something when a storm came and hit a tree. That tree somehow happened to fall onto Pak Ali and he died.

After that Mak Kundur (the bad wife) decided to kill Mak Labu (the nice wife) while she was washing her clothes at a well, Mak Kundur pushed her into the well. The thing is she didn't die yet. Merah, who were worried about her mother not returning home when it was almost dusk, fell asleep and had a dream about her mother saying that she died and turned into a fish after she fell into the well. Merah then was asked to bring some rice and veggie to the well to feed Mak Labu, who is now a fish. Without realising, Puteh was spying on her and when she found out about Mak Labu still alive she immediately told Mak Kundur about it. Then they went to the well and caught Mak Labu and cooked her (in fish form). When Merah got back from somewhere (maybe the well but that won't make sense cause Mak Kundur and Puteh was there after she left), Mak Kundur served Merah a fish with rice and told her that she can finish it all by herself. If you haven't figure it out already, the fish is Mak Labu. Yes, so Merah ate her own mother. Yay.

So Merah was an orphan living with her stepmother and stepsister. One day, Merah was singing at a garden when a prince passed by. He obviously heard a beautiful voice and asked his followers to find out about the girl. Then after some drama happened like when the prince's followers mistaken Puteh instead of Merah, the prince and Merah finally got married.

On one of the night after they got married, the king (or in this play Sultan) caught Merah and one of the prince's followers, Awang in a room... together... alone. The Sultan was angry and kicked Merah and Awang out of the village forever. It was then revealed by the prince that Puteh and Mak Kundur planned all of this and of course the Sultan became angry once more. But before he could sentence their punishments Merah defended her stepmother and stepsister so they were (unfairly) escaped from their punishments.

It ended when the Sultan held a royal event to welcome Merah back to the palace.

Can't believe I managed to summarize it. Btw, this play uses Malay language fully throughout the whole play. Also, the summary is BASED ON MY UNDERSTANDING and of course I didn't tell the WHOLE story but believe me I told you most of it.


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