I crossed out a bucket list wish!

by - February 23, 2021

Reporting for the last time about my uni life. The (somewhat) last update for it is that... MY RESULTS ARE OUT!! 

I was freaking out upon finding out about this. Funny thing was that the date of the result is the same day of my PENTAGON's bias' (Hui) enlistment date. So it was kinda like a sad but happy day for me, or emotionally eventful to say the least 😅

I scored 3.94 GPA for my final semester. Frankly speaking, these weren't my initial expectation for this semester. I expected to get 1A, 2A- and 2B+ because I didn't have much hope for my core subjects. Well, it's better to be rational on your wishes than be disappointed, right?

However towards the end of the semester, after getting all our carry marks, I actually saw a little hope in achieving a perfect 4 flat. If so, I would've crossed 2 things off my bucket list already,

1. To get a GPA of more than 3.75
2. To get a 4.0 GPA

But wow this is still beyond my expectation. Now that I'm on the other side of the grading, it seems that there really wasn't any new secret to the so-called success.

As usual, same as previous semesters, I don't always ace my quizzes or tests. Even this time around, there were moments where I was actually jealous of my friends who got better carry marks because their accuracy on those quizzes were better than mine. I never thought of myself as stupid, so I guess my intuitions were just always wrong lol.

But one major lesson that I learnt was to manage my time better. If time management is what's holding you back, then I suggest to create a little system for your study.

For me, all I relied on was my checklist. As soon as there's a new material being uploaded, I write down all the deadlines and always try to prioritize my submissions so I don't get overwhelmed by it. This has helped me get through hectic weeks especially during Midsem and Finals.

Checklist has always been something I've been doing in the past but somehow never actually got around to using it much. Update your list regularly and never depend on your classmate to know what you should've in the first place. This is for you to know exactly what is expected of you to do. Treat your list as the friend you go to every time you need clarification.

The key to being at the top of the game, is to be as efficient as possible and procrastination is your biggest enemy. As soon as you see some uncheck item, aim to check it off before new task piles on. If you can find a way to tell yourself to constantly do so, you're gonna do amazing!

But being the human that we are, asking for help is inevitable and in fact, needed so don't be afraid to reach out at times you are struggling. This is still something I need to work on.

Another thing you might need is to fix your attitude. You have to improve on self-discipline and focus on being consistent. These 2 things are crucial for long-term, but easier said than done. 

At the beginning, I didn't realize how important these attitude were until 5 weeks in and the motivation started to die down. Self-discipline and consistency are skills that needs to be honed so I don't expect anyone to succeed overnight. Heck it took me 3 years to finally cross out my bucket list, why did you think it took me so long?

The moment I realized this was my problem, it definitely gets easier to work on since I know what I needed to fix. I'm telling you, intellectual isn't the main reason you are falling behind. Sometimes, it's the attitude that differentiate good and mediocre students.

Self-discipline would mean to never skip a class (especially virtual ones), never missed or be late for a submission, always prepare yourself before a test (even if that is to only skim through the lecture notes) and do every single work that is given (even if no marks are allocated).

Sounds easy, huh? 
Not so easy if you're a slacker like me.

One major problem in self-discipline is prioritizing. People prioritize all the wrong things. The problem with this is only you can tell what values more to you, so be brutally honest and clear to yourself when prioritizing.

Consistency, on the other hand, is to continue doing the above from Week 1 all the way to Week 16 (or whenever your final week might be). It's harder when you have other commitments but it's the only recipe to a good grade. The moment you lose your consistency, it's almost impossible to get back on track and I'm only speaking from experience.

One biggest mistake people do is expecting to do well later in the semester. NO. You're supposed to do well since the start because nothing gets easier as time goes. Be smart.

I'm not adding to the fact that you might have to deal with terrible groupmates and tough lecturers though. That is a different problem, but take it one step at a time. There's only so much you can do in those situations.

Note: Always always always believe in yourself. 

Nobody can be a better supporter for you other than yourself. Whenever I hear a hint of doubt from people, I get so mad because it messes with my own self-beliefs. But after some time (and self-talk), I get reminded to just do the things that would get me closer to my goals, thus make me happier. In the end, I know myself best and it feels more reassuring when you know your "big why" to hold on to.

With this recent result, I finally proved to myself that I can do it and it's only rewarding when you know how hard you worked for it.

To those who need it, all the best for the upcoming semester! I'm always rooting for happiness to come your way too. 

I'm interning next month and I'm so excited to learn more about my capabilities. GOOD LUCK US!

Dropping by,

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