You're not her because,
You have a mama and a papa,
She has a mummy and a daddy,
You have 2 brothers from the same tummy,
She has neither of them biologically,
You simply can't afford branded good,
When she is well-fed with such scrumptious food,
You win over your lusts,
She lose over those shoes,
You go to a public U,
She's out there at a different avenue.
She's not you because,
She doesn't struggle financially,
When you save up for future difficulty,
She has nice-looking physique,
When you could only depend on your characteristic,
She mingle with the rich kids,
You mingle with loyal peeps,
She is only famous on social media,
You are famous for being who you truly are.
Don't let it get to you,
And question what's in it for you,
Train yourself to be moderate,
Don't go around spreading hate,
Hate on yourself,
Hate on the things you fear,
Realise and accept that now,
Because you are just not her.
A poem on staying grounded and appreciating every penny and love.
Dropping by,